reading chapter 4 'The delivery of Social Welfare Services', I came to the
conclusion that the federal Government should provide Social Services. The
Federal government should also come up with a brand new, and improved system
for determining the eligibility for the allotment of benefits.
know of too many people that have abused public assistance for many years. They
have been able to take advantage of the housing, food-stamps food stamps
programs. They also manipulate the system to receive disability/ SSI. Living on
assistance has become a way of life for them. Many people of communities that
live this way become comfortable and lack the desire to get off of assistance. Information
on how to cheat the system, receive and live on assistance is pass down from
generation to generation. Many people refuse to work because they will lose their
I feel
that the Federal Government should re-examine whose worthy for benefits. The people
that qualify assistance that are able to work should automatically have to
attend at college or trade school to obtain qualifications for better
employment. I know I’m asking for too much but it would be nice for government to
create a computer program that transparently show the welfare recipients’ achievements
and progress. This would assure that everyone is working to the best of their ability
to minimize the benefits received.