Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The older adults

According to CNN.com, by 2029, the youngest of the baby boomers will reach retirement age by turning 65; it is also estimated that by 2030 the older adult population will have doubled. "Possibly more than 80 million will be on Medicare and social security"(CNN.COM). If we don't come up with a new plan, our generation will struggle after retirement without social security benefits. I work with the elderly community and for most of them, social security is not enough to live of, but it helps. I was also talking to my elderly next door neighbor just the other night, he is retired due to health issues, but his wife is still working full time because they can not simply afford not to. As social workers we must advocate for the rights of the elderly and become more involved in policy making. I included a video that talks about the social security program crisis and the lack of working people vs. the people getting the benefits. I think that this is a very important issue for social workers to be aware of because it at some point, it will affect everyone as we continues to age and eventually retire.



  1. I agree that us as social worker we should advocate for the elderly people because most of the time they are scared to speak up for themselves but if they know that they have someone in their corner they will be their to support. Most of them work all of their life just to struggle when they retire or have to still work to make ends met. i think that social worker will be the voice for them so some kind of change can be made.

  2. I think it's so crazy that we will have paid into something that we can't get nothing out of it. It's a shame that it can make us adopt a selfish mentality because after all it's like an unwillful charity, in that you must contribute to it but there is no benefit to you because it won't go around. I struggle very hard to live off my salary with my two kids and at times I wished they didn't take as much of my salary away especially because I am paid once a month! I know it's a great thing to have and I truly love elderly people but I feel slighted because most of my elderly relatives have actually passed away. I think they should using the taxes we pay in a better way and have a plan b in place because often times we react when it's too late.

  3. Hi Maria, I enjoyed reading your post and agree, we should be aware of this issue but not only as social workers but as working adults who as you stated, we’ll continue to age and eventually retire.
    The video brought up a lot of what was discussed in class, the concerns of our future; will there be money for us when we retire? I think it should be a major concern for all people, young, old and in between, there is a possibility we’ll work until we die. It sounds harsh, I know but it’s the reality if action isn’t taken for this issue. It’s upsetting to know the government is considering increasing the retirement age and if an individual wants to retire before the required age she/he will have to file for an exemption. Really! An exemption for hardship at the age of sixty seven, that’s absurd! A person who may have worked since their early twenties or may even before in their late teens has to give a ‘”good enough” reason to retire. And when the wealthy has to be affected, the word sacrifice was used, hearing this made me feel upset as well as sadden by our countries inequities to social justice, what happen to “by the people, for the people”.

    1. Thank you for changing the tone a bit from my last comment. Your comment, Octavia echoes sentiments felt across the country by our peers. We will feel the effects of this policy most because no one has created a plan for when the benefits run out and by the time it's resolved the generation after us will reap from it. It feels like we are being cheated. Congress needs to start working on phase 2 of the social security issuances facet and create policies that work for everyone when it comes to retirement. One group cannot be the focus because we are the sum of all parts. I appreciate your honesty and tone in your response Octavia it is a more gingerly approach than my own comment but still effective.

  4. Hi Maria, Great topic, I think it is a true shame that the elderly population continues to struggle so hard financially. The elderly in this country are a minority group that deserves to have their voice heard. Most of the elderly population work their entire life and when it comes time for retirement, there is nothing for them to live off of. I believe it is our jobs as future social workers to be their voice and try to find a solution to this problem because, as Octavia mentioned, we will all be the same exact situation in the future. Social security does help the elderly community a lot, usually being the main source of income, but I believe something more needs to be done so the elderly can live their remaining years without the worry of money or bills because they have probably worried enough about it throughout their entire life. I just hope that good social workers like ourselves can do enough to help make a change by the time we reach the age of 65.

  5. Hello Maria , I agree that a change needs to be made. It's pretty scary to know that more and more of the elderly population will struggle in the near future. As future social workers this is a big issue that needs to be addressed. It's sad to know that years of working doesn't benefit anything. Just like Octavia and Ryan said, more has to be done Social Security isn't enough! Another program of some sort needs to be added. No one should be stressing about income at that age. I really hope a change is made really soon.

  6. Hey - great topic! I agree more needs to be done but I think it is very important for us to rethink the way we view senior citizens in our society and value the skills they have. If we restructured things like school and hospitals to offer jobs that would be valued and positive it would give seniors to work longer and be more productive without having to feel limited because of a lack of formal education or that their age in a hinderance. There are many elements of society that could benefit from seniors and their participation.

    I have a dear friend who is 72 years old, she and her girlfriends from the neighborhood run the largest food donation center in Bucks Co. at the Presbyterian Church in Morrisville. They are volunteering but if some how state funds could be granted to people who are wiling to fill those voids in communities and in return get some financial assistance I think it could be a win-win for neighborhoods.

  7. Great post Maria.
    I'm glad you chose this as your topic because it seems like something no one is really talking about. I believe we seem to have a mindset in the U.S that when a population becomes "burdensome" to us we can simply ignore them as we do with our elderly and the incarcerated, we throw them in prisons and nursing homes, fund them with bare minimum resources and try to forget about them instead of addressing the actual problem.
