Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Throughout history, Marriage has been considered to be between a man and a women for the purpose of procreation. It states in the bible in Mark 10:6-9 In the original creation, God made male and female to be together.  Because of this, a man leaves father and mother, and in marriage  he becomes one flesh with a woman - no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity.  Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart."
The bible because of the creation of its time was meant for Gods followers men and women to reproduce in order to help with farming purposes but also to upheld the family legacy. In 2014, though many strives were made for equality “rights & respect”, society still has many ways to go in order for complete equality including marriage, security and benefits. I personally do no have an issue nor negative thoughts regarding gay marriage and in fact many of my friends and family members support gay marriage. On the other hand I have gay friends and family members that do not want to get married but want to option to be there instead of government officials deciding their future.  Social injustice and civil rights of the LGBTQ population has and continues to be an issue because their treated as second class citizens because of their sexual preference “which is not a choice” contrary to peoples beliefs. Gay couples were given the right to marry in Pennsylvania on May 20th ,2014 and although that was a major accomplishment the United States still needs to correct their policies regarding LGBTQ adoption, rights and donating of blood to those in desperate need. 
With that said, How do you guys feel about gay marriage? 


  1. Hey Dave, This is a touchy topic for most people; myself included. For me, I believe that everyone is accountable for his/her own behavior, so it isn't my place to judge anyone. I think that far too often our society attempts to cast a spotlight on the lifestyles of others and because that lifestyle is one that we don't understand or agree with, we demonize it or render it taboo. In reality, when we start trying to regulate who qualifies for marriage and who doesn't, we will continue to travel down that slippery slope that eventually leads to goverment regulations deciding who we can love. Moreover,when did America become an "Marriage Arrangement" society, because that's what we are when we attempt to dictate who people can marry. May I offer this question; is it not hippocritical to offer that we believe in the Constitution which offers a "separation between church and state," but then declare same sex marriages illegal because, "the bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman?" In addtion, if marriage is "between a man and a woman", then should not polygamy be illegal as well, because it consist of more than just "a man and a woman?" When does it end? I remember that in a not too distant past; it was illegal for Blacks and Whites to marry in this country; it's time to evolve even more.

  2. I support it- there's too much hate and anger in the world, if two people find each other and love each other- i dont care sexuality, race or religion if they can make it work, good for them :)

  3. I grew up in a christian house hold. I was raised that a man should be with a woman and vice reverse. My feelings about gay marriage is that people have the right to choose and be happy. They have to deal with their actions so who am i to judge. Do what ever makes you happy cause life is too short to get wrap up in the way society thinks people should live. although the bible states that man should be with woman. nobody is perfect and we all fall short.

  4. Real touchy subject; I grew up in a christian home and believe in the bible, but every man have their own choice of what they do with their lives. I have gay friends and they are some of the kindest people I know and fun to be around.

  5. After spending some time reading about same sex marriages, I realize that both opposing views have some good arguments. I was raised in a church and was taught that god created Man and then a Woman to be his companion. I was also taught that God is perfect and we humans will never be. understanding that if God is a perfect God then his creations is what he intended to them to be. who am I to Judge Gods creations. I don't think being LBGTQ is a choice. I think their community has been around since the beginning of time like everyone else.

  6. I don't feel a certain way about gay marriage, to each his own. I'm a person who feels if you love that person go for it. However, I was raised in the church also and have been taught that men and women should only be together, not the opposite. As I've gotten older and going through life, seeing and gaining education on certain subjects, I realized who am I to judge a person on how to live their life. I say that's left up to the higher power, which is god.

  7. A lot of these comments are talking about being raised in a Christian Church and the Bible says marriage should be between a man and a woman. I was raised in a Christian Church, and was in fact, a Pastor's Kid. I don't think Church should be brought into this issue. As Hassan said, the constitution says there's a separation of Church and State. Each Church has their own say, but the government needs to butt out. Everyone should have the right to marry whomever they want to marry! Who are we to stand in the way of someone's happiness just because it defies the traditional views of marriage? I think a lot of it is because instead of trying to understand something, a lot of people choose to hate it. We have a saying in my Church and I will use it here because it seems fitting to me: "LOVE WINS."
